Catholic bioethics hpv vaccine. A vaccine against this virus has been available for .
Catholic bioethics hpv vaccine 26, 95% CI The biggest barrier to receiving a human papillomavirus vaccine was moral or religious beliefs, a survey of first-year students has indicated. , Marin M. The H-SCDSB’s decision rested on two concerns: that Gardasil (the only currently available HPV vaccine) might pose excessive medical risks, and that vaccinating girls against a sexually transmitted virus constituted “hypocrisy” in an educational system dedicated to teaching Catholic values, including sexual abstinence before marriage. See ncbcenter. In the United States, the most recent epidemiological data indicate that vac-cination can decrease the incidence of cervical cancer by 9% in women aged 20 to 24 years, whereas screening alone yielded Pontifical Academy for Life. 1 The National Catholic Bioethics Center supports and encourages the rapid development of an effective, safe, and widely available vaccine to combat COVID-19. People should get vaccinated. vaccines, despite the very rare side effects (the events that occur most commonly are mild and due to an immune response to the vaccine itself), is safe and effective. Let us first clarify several empiric elements. A 2012 study showed that vaccinated women were strongly protected National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Vaccines and Biomedical Research • Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines. The World Health Organization recommends that the vaccine is given to girls between the age of nine and 14. HPV vaccination has also reduced the number of cases of pre-cancers of the cervix in young women. HPVs are the leading Several popular myths about COVID-19 vaccines have been gaining traction on social media in recent months, particularly in regard to messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines being developed by Moderna, Sanofi, Pfizer and a handful of other companies. Some of the original concerns are now obsolete, while other objections continue to present an obstacle to mandating the vaccine. L. Fewer teens and young adults are getting genital warts. The Charlotte Lozier Institute had reported the Moderna vaccine as “ethically uncontroversial,” claiming that researchers did not use fetal cell lines. G. Yet feminists have reason to be concerned. Fred Created Date: 8/27/2021 11:15:40 PM People don't need to pick one from another. , Rev. Respective percentages of included articles falling under various ANZSRC FoR Codes (2008) Quality assessment in systematic reviews of normative literature remains a contested area, with various options and no established best practice approach []. The Moira McQueen, executive director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute, explains why the vaccines do not pose a moral dilemma for Catholics and why Catholics (and all people) should get We conducted a web-based survey among 476 white, Black, and Hispanic parents or caregivers with daughter(s) between the ages of 9–17 to better understand how religion influences HPV vaccine acceptance. uk Father Tad Pacholczyk, a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, and director of education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, joined Patrick Conley, host of the “Practicing Catholic” radio show, to discuss the ethics of COVID vaccines. National Catholic Bioethics Center. COMMENTARY Medical ethics principles underscore advocating for human papillomavirus vaccine C. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 100. 2. The 9-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (9vHPV) is a second-generation, noninfectious, recombinant vaccine available in the United States and indicated for the management and prevention of infections, diseases, or cancers caused by both low-risk and high-risk HPV types, including 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. 1% reported not being vaccinated against HPV, and 25. Finally, several studies have shown that parents fail to vaccinate due to Institute Road Kings Heath Birmingham B14 7EG Tel: 0121 444 4161 Email: enquiry@bishopchalloner. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly Autumn: 453–59. 1 Cervical cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer among women and second only to breast cancer among women under the age of 74, Available vaccines & manufacturer package inserts Gardasil 9 and manufacturer insert. 2002. 00:00 / Subscribe Share. NCBC People don't need to pick one from another. 8 More importantly, the vaccine protects against the most deadly outcome of On 17 October 2007 a Catholic school board in northern Ontario — the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (H-SCDSB) — voted 5 to 4 to disallow within their schools the human approved Gardasil, a vaccine for females that is designed to prevent four strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). In this review, we took a satisficing approach to quality appraisal []: publication in a peer-reviewed journal or by a reputable National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Vaccines and Biomedical Research • Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines. EWTN is a global, Catholic Television, Catholic Radio, and Catholic News Network that provides catholic programming and news coverage from around the world. “Moral Reflections on Vaccines Prepared from Cells Derived from Aborted Human Fetuses”. The safety of Gardasil 9 was studied in clinical trials with more than 15,000 participants before it was licensed and continues to be monitored. It is reprinted here with permission. A vaccine against this virus has been available for CNS photo/Karen Callaway, Chicago Catholic The rise in coronavirus vaccine mandates around the country, including at Catholic diocesan offices, hospitals and universities, has prompted a parallel increase in interest in a vaccine exemption template letter developed by the National Catholic Bioethics Center. A law passed by our state legislature the following year – The HPV vaccine has the potential to prevent nearly 92% of HPV-related cancer cases, yet its uptake remains suboptimal. It is also used even more so in providing guidance to people in making morally sound decisions involving their healthcare and/or the healthcare of others. Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds. The most prevalent vaccines are Gardasil (Sanofi Pasteur msd, Lyon, France), a My intervention was in response to concerns which I had received about HPV vaccines from parents wishing to make the best health decision on behalf of their children, and OTTAWA – Catholic and nongovernmental organizations have expressed concern over schools in several Canadian provinces offering a new vaccination program against a This study examined the interrelatedness of religion, beliefs, and HPV vaccination uptake among children among Catholic, Evangelical, and Mainline Protestant parents. [Google Scholar] Seward J. Mario Picozzi & Viviana Cislaghi - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (3):237-242. We analysed 14 peer-reviewed articles that included components related to religiosity or religious beliefs and their impact on vaccine hesitancy published until September 2023 (when we completed the search) [see Additional file 1]. This article explores the development and current status of HPV and the HPV vaccine and the ethical principles of autonomy, utilitarianism, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and cultural and religious issues as they relate to discussions with students and families about HPV vaccinations. 8 Old Wine in New Bottles: Traditional Issues in Bioethics From The Victim/Vector Perspective Notes. Gardasil 9 (human papillomavirus 9-valent vaccine, recombinant; 9vHPV) was approved by FDA for use in 2014. The protection provided by HPV vaccines lasts a long time. Kennedy Jr. (Note that the National Catholic Bioethics Center has provided a Vaccine Exemption Template Letter for Catholics who themselves seek an exemption from an immunization requirement. The HPV vaccine has already shown promise in helping to stem long-rising rates of cancers transmitted by the virus, including an estimated 31,500 cases in the Last month, an advisory committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta recommended that 9 to 12 year old boys be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus transmitted through sexual contact. . The HPV vaccines are commonly recommended for The present Instruction is addressed to the Catholic faithful and to all who seek the truth. m. However, even a pandemic does not justify forgetting or violating the fundamental moral principles that guide ethical action: human life is sacred and should never be exploited. While well-documented barriers to HPV vaccine uptake include The acknowledgement — while falling short of an explicit endorsement of the province's decision to fund the first-ever offering of the vaccine to Grade 6 boys in Vaccines that protect against the development of hpv morbidity have proved to be effective. National Catholic Bioethics Center (Ethical Profile/Preference: Good, Poor and Very Poor) Fr. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Gardasil, a vaccine for females that is designed to prevent four The safety of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines has been evaluated continuously in pre-licensure clinical trials, post-marketing surveillance systems, and observational studies. 2024. However, more serious AEFIs, although rare, have been reported in other studies . Sold as Gardasil, the quadrivalent vaccine is intended to prevent four strains of HPV associated with cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesions, and genital warts. This essay responds to earlier critiques of mandatory HPV The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a Vatican office devoted to defining and promulgating Catholic doctrine, issued a 2005 letter detailing an uneasy conclusion: Catholics have a duty The pharmaceutical manufacturers have reported “local pain” as the most common side-effect of the HPV vaccine [25, 31]. TV. 1080/21645515. ) In the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops quotes (with approval) a statement from the National Catholic Bioethics Center: “The Pontifical Academy for Life rejects the claim that Catholics have a moral duty to refuse the rubella vaccine on the grounds of conscience and Catholic teaching. Some of the original concerns are now obsol Critics, especially in the LGBTQ+ community, were vocal about the fact that the vaccine was not approved for use in boys and men, as they are also susceptible to genital warts from HPV, as well as anal and oral cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18. Unethical Vaccine Protest Letter. April 23 on Relevant Radio 1330 AM. HPV vaccine uptake intent among Catholic, Evangelical, and mainline protestant parents Hum Vaccin Immunother. Catholicism. Religious preferences may also play a role in decision-making about HPV vaccination. Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines . As a dad and a doctor, I would encourage Christian parents to consider the HPV vaccine as a simple, safe and effective method of keeping HPV-associated cancer from ever being a part of their children’s story. 26, 95% CI = 1. 2015. 2% reported having initiated or completed the HPV vaccine series, 21. RSS Feed. the board of the St. i Alex van der Eb, Testimony before the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, May 16, 2001. uri: Has the Spread of HPV Vaccine Marketing Conveyed Immunity to Common Sense? en: dc. Speaking with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today Show,” Bachmann said that a woman on Florida told her that her daughter had received the vaccine, and “suffered from mental Bioethics; Council for Life; Emigrants; Family and Marriage; Healthcare; IBDI – Drugs Initiative (HPV) vaccines. 9-valent HPV vaccine is produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) and is contraindicated for persons with a history of immediate hypersensitivity to yeast. Collins - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (3):459-469. The interview airs at 9 p. F. Ana Komparic, Maxwell J. The future of immunization policies in Italy and in the European Union: The Declaration of Erice. 00 , ISBN: 080189672X. One of the . Vernonb a Department of Pediatrics, Infectious Disease Section, Baylor College Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; b Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health, The In terms of COVID-19 vaccines, we spend a fair amount of time at the National Catholic Bioethics Center countering “Catholic” misinformation and/or disinformation about cell line usage from abortions, whether from those who believe one can never get vaccinated, or from those at the other end of the spectrum who believe there is no moral Minnesota Congresswoman and presidential contender Michele Bachmann continues to draw criticism, after making remarks this week that the HPV vaccine is dangerous for young girls. Saint Paul. , anaphylaxis) to a vaccine component or following a prior dose of HPV vaccine is a contraindication to receipt of HPV vaccine. 2425142. [Google Scholar] Omer SB, Richards JL, Ward M, and Bednarczyk RA. Notes. 212 F. Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, the center As the new COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out, several people have told me, “I don’t want a vaccine with any connection to abortion. 2015;11:1268–1271. 1 The 2019 National Immunization Survey-Teen shows that 54. The quadrivalent and nanovalent HPV vaccines also protect against types 6 and 11, responsible for ano-genital warts as well as the rare vertically transmitted respiratory papillomatosis. These figures are doubly tragic because the majority were caused by a common infection that is now preventable. Analysis of Indicators of HPV Catch-Up Vaccination Attitudes. Following FDA approval, the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended routine vaccination for girls ages 11-12 with three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine. All the articles were published in approximately the last decade between 2012 and 2023, with only 4 Respective percentages of included articles falling under various ANZSRC FoR Codes (2008) Quality assessment in systematic reviews of normative literature remains a contested area, with various options and no established best practice approach []. Author: Adamson, V. A major concern in the U. “Varicella Vaccine Effectiveness in the US Vaccination Program: A Review”. A Proposed Ethical Framework for Vaccine Mandates: Competing Values and the Case of 3. Healthy People 2020 set a goal of 80% series completion for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Resources. Timothy P. pandemic response is vaccine hesitancy. Authors Jeanine P Dear Concerned Parents: In June of 2006, the U. ) In the event The HPV vaccine has the potential to prevent nearly 92% of HPV-related cancer cases, yet its uptake remains suboptimal. Catholic parents were more likely than nonaffiliated parents to have already vaccinated their daug the HPV vaccine. No correlation exists between the administration of the vaccine and the onset of HPV vaccine has the potential to prevent more than 90% of cancers caused by HPV. 2008. Our first goal was to characterize predictors of the total study population’s attitude toward catch-up HPV Keith Wailoo, Julie Livingston, Steven Epstein, Robert Aronowitz : Three shots at prevention: the HPV vaccine and the politics of medicine’s simple solutions: The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2010, 320 pp, $30. 2006. My intervention was in response to concerns which I had received about HPV vaccines from parents wishing to make the best health decision on behalf of their children, and from young people alike. org and fathertad. She is also the most recent winner of the Christian Culture Gold Medal Award bestowed on her by Assumption University in Windsor, Ont. ii Alvin Wong, MD, “The Ethics of HEK 293,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Volume 6, Issue 3, Autumn 2006. Media; Blogs; Employment; Media Missionaries; Bishop Paprocki of Springfield, Ill. 2 Although this coverage level represents an incremental increase over 2018, it remains well below the Healthy People goal. Catholic Communications A severe allergic reaction (e. 16 The paper admits that there is “no absolute duty” to boycott a COVID-19 vaccine When the first, quadrivalent HPV vaccine was licensed in 2006, it was only licensed for use in girls and women [7], and it was not until three years later that it was approved to prevent genital warts in boys and men [14]; a second HPV vaccine—the bivalent vaccine—was licensed in 2009 only for girls and women ages 10-25 [10]. [5] It has three parts: the first recalls some anthropological, theological and ethical elements of fundamental importance; the second addresses new problems regarding procreation; the third examines new procedures involving the manipulation of embryos Luno AR 2006. Share Link Embed Download file COVID-19 vaccines can be used “with a clear conscience,” according to Professor of Moral Theology Paul Scherz, who joined three other Catholic University faculty members for an in-depth discussion about the Editor’s Note: This column by Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill. HPV vaccination works. Thus long-term follow up of HPV vaccine recipients is essential and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Vaccine – Should Catholics Catholic teaching upholds the principle of the inviolability of human life Dr Helen Watt, a senior research fellow with the Anscombe Bioethics Centre in Oxford wrote a briefing paper in April 2020. Saturday, January 11, 2025 He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia Description of articles. Hum. When the HPV vaccine was released over a decade ago, there was intense opposition to mandating the vaccine, including among bioethics and legal scholars. 9 From (HPV) vaccine has the potential to significantly reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in women who receive the vaccine before they are sexually active and thus become at risk of becoming infected with HPV. offers guidance to Catholics concerned about the COVID vaccine. , is preventing cervical cancer in young women. 8 More importantly, the vaccine protects against the most deadly outcome of infection: cervical cancer. [Google Scholar] McCarthy v. The findings, published in the November issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, could help public health officials and professional societies develop new interventions to increase rates of HPV vaccination. " 21 F. Smith & Alison Thompson - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):78-91. com. It encourages Catholic parents to vaccinate their The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was first approved in 2006, and more than 135 million doses have been administered ever since. Fred Created Date: 8/27/2021 11:15:40 PM This article explores the development and current status of HPV and the HPV vaccine and the ethical principles of autonomy, utilitarianism, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and cultural and religious issues as they relate to discussions with students and families about HPV vaccinations. The last domino has fallen in an Alberta-based advocacy group’s quest to make the HPV vaccine available to girls in the province’s schools. g. 6,8,15,16 For example, some parents fear that receiving the HPV vaccine will make their children think it is okay to become sexually active or With the Aug. 2024 Dec 31;20(1):2425142. Tad’s Vaccine Ethical Profiles . Play Episode Pause Episode. People who received HPV vaccines were followed for 1 INTRODUCTION. 2d 945 (United States District Court Western District of Arkansas 2002. Stigmas that associate the HPV vaccine with sexual activity and promiscuity are prevalent among parents of vaccine-eligible children and are associated with lower intentions to vaccinate one’s child. Moira McQueen is the director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute (CCBI). 1019980. sch. Savasb, Ross Shegogb, Rebecca Lunstrothc, and Sally W. 7% were not aware of their vaccination status (). Mary Healya, Lara S. , Caplan A. While well-documented barriers to HPV vaccine uptake include inadequate knowl-edge and lack of provider recommendation, religious preferences have emerged as another crucial factor Netny, Pope Franics among the first Vatican residents to be given Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, Jan. HPV infections, genital warts, and cervical pre-cancers (abnormal cells on the cervix that can lead to cancer) have dropped since the vaccine has been in use in the United States. , Vázquez M. In this review, we took a satisficing approach to quality appraisal []: publication in a peer-reviewed journal or by a reputable In Catholic education, we take that very seriously, and we seek to teach students about the beauty and nature of human sexuality, marriage and conjugal love, abstinence and chastity, virtues and When the HPV vaccine was released over a decade ago, there was intense opposition to mandating the vaccine, including among bioethics and legal scholars. Catholic parents were more likely than nonaffiliated parents to have already vaccinated their daughters (vs. The National Catholic Bioethics Center and Catholic News Agency, among others, repeated this claim. NCBC bioethics,3 at least outside of the English-speaking world. Field R. There is excellent evidence of the efficacy of the HPV vaccine. Boozman. Epub 2024 Dec 9. provenance: Citation prepared by the Library and Information Services group of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University for the ETHXWeb database. originally ran in the Catholic Times. S. Despite high prevalence of HPV (an estimated 79 million Americans are infected), and endorsement of HPV vaccination by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and national medical organizations, 1 uptake remains below Healthy People Goals of 80% and The H-SCDSB’s decision rested on two concerns: that Gardasil (the only currently available HPV vaccine) might pose excessive medical risks, and that vaccinating girls against a sexually transmitted virus constituted “hypocrisy” in an educational system dedicated to teaching Catholic values, including sexual abstinence before marriage. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6: 541–8. , and serves as the director of education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in A new government report adds to evidence that the HPV vaccine, once called dangerous by Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. ” Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines (en español) (January 6, 2021) Moral Considerations Regarding The New COVID-19 Vaccines (en español) (December 11, 2020) Catholic school conscience exemptions; Coalition letter to FDA (2019) urging access to ethical vaccines; Coalition letter to FDA (2020) urging ethical COVID vaccine OTTAWA – Catholic and nongovernmental organizations have expressed concern over schools in several Canadian provinces offering a new vaccination program against a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer. Vaccines Immunother. The world’s major religions have traditionally supported the use of vaccines – for example, Pope Francis, in 2021, urged Catholics to consider vaccination an “act of love,” describing it as a “simple yet profound way to care for one another. 23 announcement of full approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, the case for an “informed conscience” refusal to get vaccinated promoted by the National Catholic Bioethics The Archdiocese of New Orleans, in light of guidance from the Vatican, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and The National Catholic Bioethics Center affirm that though there was some lab testing that utilized the abortion-derived cell line, the two vaccines currently available from Pfizer and Moderna do not rely on cell lines The HPV vaccine is the most effective way of preventing cervical cancer. After introduction of the HPV vaccine, the prevalence of HPV vaccine-sensitive strains was reduced by 56% among females aged 14-19. ” He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. 06, We conducted a web-based survey among 476 white, Black, and Hispanic parents or caregivers with daughter(s) between the ages of 9-17 to better understand how religion influences HPV vaccine acceptance. 1 Although the vaccine is safe and effective in preventing anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers, uptake remains suboptimal in the United States, falling short of the Healthy People 2020 goal of vaccinating 80% of 13- to 15-year-olds. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus transmitted through sexual intercourse and is considered a key cause of cervical cancer, although it may also cause malignant tumors in the mouth and on the penis. However, these st In a recent statement from the National Catholic Bioethics Center on COVID-19 vaccines, we noted that the Catholic Church “neither requires nor forbids” the use of vaccines, but instead urges people to “form their consciences and to carefully discern the “It is critically important that Americans have access to a vaccine that is produced ethically: no American should be forced to choose between being vaccinated against this potentially deadly virus and violating his or her conscience,” the U. National Catholic Register, September 2, 2021 (Note that the National Catholic Bioethics Center has provided a Vaccine Exemption Template Letter for Catholics who themselves seek an exemption from an immunization requirement. As COVID-19 vaccines begin to be rolled out in the United States and around the world, the interface between religion, bioethics, and immunization is on the agenda as a critical issue for health policymakers and faith communities. Most studies have found no significant association between serious adverse events and HPV vaccination. identifier. I. Infections with HPV types that cause most HPV cancers and genital warts have dropped 88% among teen girls and 81% among young adult women. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and 20 other religious, medical, and political organizations wrote to Stephen Religion and HPV vaccination. Supp. The CCCBI considers it to be an ethical vaccine. Of the respondents, 53. An Ethical Justification for Expanding the Notion of Effectiveness in Vaccine Post-Market Monitoring: Insights from the HPV Vaccine in Canada. Trusted messengers—including faith leaders such as Pope Answer: Catholic Bioethics is a discipline and teaching approach to applying sound Catholic moral principles to biological research and experimentation. A A new study of survey data finds that only a minority of parents choose not to immunize their children against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) due to concerns that vaccination would encourage or The HPV vaccine has the potential to prevent nearly 92% of HPV-related cancer cases, yet its uptake remains suboptimal. Bambi Rutledge is the administrator of the CCBI. National Catholic Bioethics Center, Points to consider on the use of COVID-19 vaccines The human papillomavirus (HPV) 9 vaccine prevents 90% of infections that cause HPV-related cancers. HPV vaccines are licensed for use in both boys and girls between 9 and 26 years of age, with the optimal age of administration being 9–14 years of age. This chapter We conducted a web-based survey among 476 white, Black, and Hispanic parents or caregivers with daughter(s) between the ages of 9-17 to better understand how religion influences HPV vaccine acceptance. 2012. 13, 2021. doi: 10. Catholic Medical Association. Vinnedge, The Smallpox Vaccine, The National Should the HPV vaccine be mandatory for young women? Many proponents of mandatory vaccinations argue that it is good for women. Thomas Aquinas School Roman (STAR) Catholic School Division passed a new policy that refers to allowing Alberta Health Services to administer all vaccines within the division American Journal of Bioethics 2007 July; 7(7): 1-2: en: dc. Giving the HPV vaccine is not an endorsement of sexual activity or a prediction of future high-risk behavior; it’s prudence. The goal of the recommendations was to prevent cancers caused by HPV, such as certain cancers of the Controversy began abruptly last November when vaccine availability was imminent. A proposed ethical framework for vaccine mandates: Competing values and the case of HPV. 2% of adolescents aged 13-17 years were up to date with the vaccine series. 1 Catholic-Link Podcast Bioethics and COVID Vaccines. If you have a chance to get a vaccine, you should take it, whatever it is. Ethical reflections on vaccines using cells from aborted fetuses. In September 2009, the FDA approved the use of the HPV vaccine in males aged 9 to 26. bham. Mass. Saturday, January 11, 2025 He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia Another suspicion is that HPV vaccine manufacturers have obtained FDA approval through corporate influence in lieu of proper safety testing [64-66]. being undecided) (OR = 3. wlhhyfsjxdrnhnnrgywjhyzsoxbypmctpcnyjkesomgtpfcxsbutogfxruhrrgucofsaxsksacjzctdtp