Loudoun county marriage records SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Loudoun County Marriage and Divorce Records. 1 Contact Us Marriage records of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1751-1880: Granite Mountain Record Vault: United States & Canada Film: 850090 Item 8: 7764668: Results per page: Page. Vital records are available to immediate family members only: mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, and grandparents with valid identification. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: 703-777-0100 Goochland County loose marriage records at the Library of Virginia. 2 Bales Virginia E 1868 29 Marriage Register Vol. AncestryDNA® Register a Kit The Historic Records and Deed Research Division maintains county court records dating from the formation of Loudoun County in 1757. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: 703-777-0100 Loudoun County Marriage Register Vol. org is an independent organization that gathers Marriage Records and other information from various Loudon County government and non-government sources. ) Marriage Bonds, Consents, Ordination Bonds and Index, 1772-1852 (bulk 1785-1852) is comprised of negative photostatic copies of original marriage bonds, consents and ordination bonds. 3 Abel Mattie E. Box 550, 18 E. We are working day and night to collect, authenticate and Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Our Database is loaded with over 400 million county records which include United States Nationwide Vital Records, Public Record and Information. FOIA gives you a right to inspect or copy records; it does not apply to general questions about the work of Loudoun County, and FOIA does not require Loudoun County to create a record that does not already exist. 1985, ix, 462 pages, indices, figure, map. The County Clerk handles motor vehicle registration and licensing, collects business taxes, issues marriage licenses, keeps records of notaries public, and performs other duties. 1881 23 Marriage Register Vol. 2-1245, adoption records are only available to attorneys of record, social services offices and court officials. 4 1896-1914 Loudoun County Clerk's Office Historic Records Division Updated 11/30/18 Collection Last Name First Name Date Page Marriage Register Vol. 50. Understand exactly where and when you should go to request your records in Loudoun County. - 4:00 p. 2 Ball Annie V 1877 125 Loudoun County was organized on 01 Jul 1757 from Fairfax Co VA. If you are searching during this time period, try searching both Virginia Department of Health-Division of Vital Records issues copies of marriage records and renders Single Status Certificates; proceed to the agency's website for further information: Need a certified copy of a birth, marriage, divorce, or death certificate? Our office can assist you with obtaining records for events that occurred in Virginia. Birth records can be issued to a legal guardian with proof of custody. 1786 - Edward Reece, Loudoun County & Sarah Smith at South Fork Meeting (Quaker) Loudoun County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records Loudoun County PO Box 550; Attn- Land Records Leesburg, VA 20178 Hours of Operation: 8:30AM-4PM EST Website Phone: 703-777-0270 Fax: 703-777-0676/737-8549 Real Estate: 703 Find out which records Loudoun County Health Department can provide you. Divorce records since January 1918 can also be found at this office. The earliest surviving marriage record dates from 1760. Opening Hours. Format: Paperback. Littlejohn apparently was Find and access divorce records in Loudoun County, VA. The Loudoun County Vital Records Office is responsible for maintaining and providing access to these records. Language. 1 Beales Rodney D. Available at FS Library. Marriage Records 1796-1926(PDF) Note: There were duplicate records kept from 1850 to 1866. Marriages of Loudoun County Virginia 1757-1853. So far as is known, no Combs were already residing in Loudoun at this time (research in progress). Loudoun contains one of the most complete collections of court records in Virginia and is one of only a few of Virginia’s ninety-eight counties whose records have not been destroyed by fire, war, or environmental Loudoun County Government Center 1 Harrison Street, SE, 2nd Floor Leesburg, VA 20175 Monday - Friday, 8:30 a. This page has links to birth certificates, marriage licenses, death records, and genealogy records. Jewell; Quaker Records, Goose Creek. Harris, Isaac and Sarah Wilson, March 7, 1796, Loudoun Co. 2 (1998). Some Early Loudoun County Marriage Records -- Courthouse Leesburg; Mrs. 200. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: 703-777-0100 Scope and Content Loudoun County (Va. Marriage and divorce records are They may include records of land, estates, taxes, vital records, divorces, naturalizations, voter registration, military discharges and court records. The original registers of births, 2 vols. Publication Date. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 How do I obtain information regarding marriage licenses, filing fees, probate, land records, notary information or a court hearing date? You may call the Loudoun County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office at 703-777-0270. One way is to visit the relevant government office in person. Digitized by FamilySearch International. Tips and Resources. Get information on public health records, fees, and ID requirements. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. Carolyn: 1. Note: There were duplicate records kept from 1850 to 1866. Calhoun Street – Room 200A Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Who can Solemnize a Marriage? Loudon County Clerk. This record was sourced from the journal of Rev. , Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Marriage records of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1751-1880: Granite Mountain Record Vault: United States & Canada Film: 850090 Item 8: 7764668: Results per page: Page. 3, No. d. Access family tree records and genealogy databases to trace your ancestry. Loudoun County Clerk of Circuit Court has Marriage Records from 1757, Land Records from 1757, Court Records from 1757 and Probate Records from 1757. Loudoun County Marriage Records 1751-1880; Loudoun County Marriage Records, 1751-1880; Loudoun County, Marriage Bonds, 1762-1850; Loudoun County, Marriage Records, 1779-1914; Louisa County Marriage Indexes; Louisa County Marriage Records from Dec. 4 Allder Samuel F. 2 (Apr. Copies of marriage certificates may be obtained at the County Clerk’s office or by mail for $5. 1936-2014 Virginia Marriage Records Ancestry . English. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 County Clerk. The first section, pages 1-4, records marriages found in the Account Book of David Griffith Marriages of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1757-1853: compiled by Mary Alice Wertz. All Collections ; Census & Voter Lists ; Birth, Marriage & Death ; Military ; Immigration & Travel ; Public Member Trees ; Card Catalog ; Member Search ; Memories. F © 2020 - 2025 Loudoun County Kiosk v2024. Marriage Bonds of Loudoun County. ADA Accessibility/Language Access. Search by County: Search by Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. We can provide certified copies of: Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: 703-777-0100 Government Center Location: 1 Harrison St. Alder, Lucy A. 4. The Loudoun County, 1751-1880 Loudoun County, Virginia Marriage Records 1751-1880. C. Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Marriages After 1850, Vol 1, 1851-1880" by Duncan & Frain. To obtain vital records in Loudoun County, Virginia in 2025, there are several options available. Market St. marriage records, obituaries, wills, probate records, and more LOUDOUN COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1760-1850 John Vogt & T. Section 1 was taken from church records, marriage register, and marriage bonds. Get details on ordering birth and divorce records, marriage licenses, genealogy records, and more. O. Clerk of the Circuit Court Named after Fort Loudoun, the county seat is Loudon and it has a population of 48,556 as of 2010. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. O'Connor, David J. 1797 through 1871," Northern Virginia Genealogy, Vol. of 1. Phone: 260-449-7245 Loudoun County, VA Vital Records. Helpful Links. William Kethley, Jr. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Loudoun County Marriage Records 1767 to 1850 Around the year 1899 the Clerk’s Office purchased their first typewriter. 1 1852-1865 Loudoun County Clerk's Office Historic Records Division Updated 11/30/18 Collection Last Name First Name Date Page Column Marriage Register Vol. 10. S. "Loudoun Co. The Loudoun County Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue provides annual valuations and maintenance of fair market values for equitable assessments on all types of real property. Cost: each certified copy is $2. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1995. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Marriage Licenses . Mena Mead: 1. 2 1865-1879 Loudoun County Clerk's Office Historic Records Division Updated 11/30/18 Marriage Register Vol. The volume is divided into three sections. Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Place of Publication. Enslaved Papers 1757 to 1865 (PDF) Enslaved Issues: Births 1853 to 1859 (PDF) How to Obtain Vital Records in Loudoun County, Virginia in 2025. Records regarding Loudoun County veterans are kept in diverse archives and repositories. This screen shows the catalog entry of the title you selected. Tell Us How We're Doing. 9, 1766 to Jan. We can provide certified copies of: Official Sources for Loudoun County Marriage Records. Division of Vital Records Public Records Requests (FOIA) Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Search through our extensive database of Loudoun County public, vital, and criminal record resources to find information for a background search. Monday 8 a. Add to Print List. Please refer to the information to the Welcome to Marriage License Certified Copy Request System. 1 Beach P. For earlier years please contact Archives Division at 703-737-8775 . 3 Adams B. Please listen to the menu for further instructions on how to direct your call. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Your request must ask for existing records or documents. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Individual Records Search ; Family History Learning Hub ; Historical Insights ; Family Trees Support ; Start a New Tree ; Upload a GEDCOM ; Search. Use these links to make the process simple. Learn about how the clerk of the Circuit Court provides administrative assistance to the judges of the Loudoun County Circuit Court. 101 Mulberry St. Tell Us How We're Doing /QuickLinks. Previously amended records’ cost is higher due to page count. (1853-1859 and 1864-1866), are held at the Loudoun County Courthouse in Leesburg, Va. Digital version at FamilySearch Marriage Records Card Index Search. Looking for marriage licenses, public records & officials in Loudoun County, VA? Quickly access services from 5 Town & City Halls near you! Search our database of free Loudoun County city hall records, property zoning ordinances, real estate tax details, local land development projects, and municipal service records. 1886 67 Marriage Register Vol. This Vital Records office may be reached through the telephone number or email address given below. aspx. The county has a total area of 247 square miles, with its land area encompassing 229 square miles, and its water area 18 square miles. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Loudoun County, Virginia Genealogy and History Volunteers Dedicated to Free Genealogy ; Early Marriage Records. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Vital Records in Loudon County (Tennessee) Find out how to get certified copies of vital records in Loudon County, TN. 29. DNA. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Loudoun County Marriage Register Vol. Births that occurred in Virginia from Virginia birth and death records from 1912 to the present, divorce records since 1918, and marriage records since 1936 are now available in a publicly available database. Official Sources for Loudon County Marriage Records. 2011. Website Feedback /QuickLinks. Print. collects business taxes, issues marriage licenses, keeps records of notaries public, and performs other duties. All told, this work identifies the 3,500 oldest Loudoun County marriage bonds known to exist. 📜🔍 Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Leesburg Town Hall 25 W Market St Leesburg VA 20176 703-777-2420 Loudoun County is providing public record information as a public service in accordance with Virginia Code Title 58. Public Records Requests (FOIA) Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse. Joseph White Marriage Records MB Oct 17 1836 Alder, Joseph W. John Littlejohn, a Methodist Episcopal minister who performed a number of marriages in the area before moving to Kentucky in 1818. Harris, Eleanor J. n. 7, 1788; The Price is $100. Loudoun County (VA) Treasurer; Loudon County County-Record. Edwin Dorsey Loudoun County Marriage Records 1767-1850 Loudoun County Clerk's Office Historic Records Division Updated 11/29/18 Collection Location Date Groom Bride Minister Comments Marriage Records 94 Oct 17 1836 Alder, Joseph W. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Death, marriage, and divorce records become public information 25 years after the event. h4 {text-transform:none;} General District Courts Informational Pamphlet CLERK OF COURT Carla Marie Clark Clerk's Office Hours 8:00AM - 4:00PM PHONE Public Info: (703) 777-0312 FAX (703) 771-5284 Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. About this record. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Loudoun County Clerk’s Office Historic Records & Deed Research Division April 2016 Tips and Tricks for Researching Historic Records The Clerk’s Office Historic Records and Deed Research Division provides access to a number of documents that can be used for property research, genealogy, and local history. Loudon, TN 37774 Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Birth, death, and marriage records since 1853 are kept at this location. 📜🔍 The Loudoun County Marriage & Divorce Records (Virginia) links below open in a new window and will take you to third party websites that are useful for finding Loudoun County public records. 3 1879-1895 Loudoun County Clerk's Office Historic Records Division Updated 11/30/18 Collection Last Name First Name Date Page Marriage Register Vol. Daniel FEGIN (FEAGINS) & Violet COMBES, dau of Joseph COMBES, (Virginia County Court Records, Will Abstracts of Loudoun County, Virginia, Will Loudoun County Marriage Register Vol. Interested individuals can access these records by proceeding to the agency’s website to fill out the marriage and divorce online request form. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Records Images Family Tree Genealogies Catalog Books Wiki. Additional information. 3 Abel Robert B. 3 Abel Fredrick H. The Loudoun County Registrar of Vital Statistics provides you with birth, death, and marriage certificates. Editorial staff monitor and update these links on a frequent basis. 2 Bales Mary E 1872 72 Marriage Register Vol. It gives the names of groom and bride, marriage date Description. , Leesburg, VA 20178; 703/777-0270 Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Early church records of Loudoun County, Virginia WorldCat . Where can find Loudoun County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Loudoun County vital records can be found at the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Vital Records which has Birth and Death Records since June 14, 1912 and copies of Marriage and Divorce Records since 1918 to present. Loudoun County Marriages, 1760-1850 by John Vogt and T. Authors. Catalog Print List (0) Loudoun County, Virginia marriage records, 1751-1880. 4 Allen Alice 1906 92 Pursuant to VA Code §63. m. Printed For Loudoun County, Virginia Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Learn more about the collection and how the database is set up. Access official resources to request a replacement birth certificate and other essential documents. Loudoun County, Virginia Marriage Bonds, 1762-1850 A brides’ index follows at the back of the volume. One of the earliest projects this “new” technology completed included a typed copy of the first Marriage Index. Ste. County Resources. It is also possible to order your vital records online through the official website of the County Vital Records office. CountyOffice. 00 without premarital counseling. 2 Bales Mortimer J 1869 41 Marriage Register Vol. 1902 56 Marriage Register Vol. , Va [Source: "Genealogy: A Journal of American Ancestry" Vol 3–5, 1913–1915; Edited by Loudoun County, Virginia Marriage Records to 1891 (actually 1798-1881) by Jewell. 1-3122. Need a certified copy of a birth, marriage, divorce, or death certificate? Our office can assist you with obtaining records for events that occurred in Virginia. We can provide certified copies of: Loudoun County has few actual marriage records, rather it has a large collection of marriage bonds. If you are searching during this time period, try searching both Marriages 1850 to 1866 and Marriage Index Volume 1. 1857 15 Marriage Register Vol. "Virginians in the Marriage Records of Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Georgetown) Washington, D. Wertz, Mary Alice, 1936-(Author) Format. c1985. Records availability: marriage licenses issued 01/02/1996 to current. 1 Beall Elizabeth A. Explore genealogy records in Loudoun County, VA, including birth, marriage, and divorce certificates. 10 June 1784 - Cornelius Wynkoop & Cornelia VanPelt 18 Jan. Net is one of the Largest Public & Vital Record Providers, Adding Records & Updating Database Every day. spinster Lady’s age proved by Loudoun County Marriage Records. We offer 24x7x365 Search Expert Support. Publisher. Loudoun County Clerk of Early Church Records of Loudoun County. Loudoun Co VA Marriage Bonds. Loudoun County Government Center 1 Harrison Street, SE, 2nd Floor Leesburg, VA 20175 Monday - Friday, 8:30 a. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. 1859 26 2 Marriage Register Vol. 4 Allder Lucy Margaret 1905 84 Marriage Register Vol. Request certified copies, search historical records, and get detailed information on the process. Address: 101 Mulberry Street Loudon, TN 37774 Phone: (865) 458-2726 Fax: (865) 458-9891 County Clerk: Riley Wampler You can learn how to get a marriage license, a marriage certificate, or marriage records from your local Marriage License Office, Clerk, Health Department, or Town or City Hall. Marriage Records 1796-1926 (PDF Opens a New Window. Loudoun County was first organized in 1757 from a portion of Fairfax County. [Includes residents of Loudoun County Clerk of the Circuit Court has Marriage Records from 1757, Land Records from 1757, Probate Records from 1757 and Court Records from 1757 and is located at the County Courthouse on P. 1857 17 Home / Store / Marriage Records / Loudoun County, Virginia Marriage Bonds, 1762-1850. 1785-1940 Selected Virginia Marriages MyHeritage . 1998):79-81. T. Clerks transcribed the original hand written index into a loose leaf book covered in Welcome to Marriage License Certified Copy Request System. . 1785-1940 Virginia Selected Marriages Ancestry . Book. Painstakingly compiled from marriage bonds, ministers’ returns, marriage registers, court order books, fee books, deed books, and minute books, as well as parish registers and Quaker meeting records, this work is the comprehensive listing of the 12,000 persons who were married in Loudoun County from the date of its creation until the introduction of marriage Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. O. They are available on microfilm at FS Library. Contact the Loudoun County Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records. Contact Information. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: 703-777-0100 Government Center Location: 1 Loudoun County Marriage Records 1767-1850 Loudoun County Clerk's Office Historic Records Division Updated 11/29/18 Collection Location Date Groom Bride Minister Comments Marriage Records 12 Jan 10 1800 Abbot, Jeremiah Eaton, Theny John Littlejohn Marriage Records 88 May 07 1833 Abbot, William R. W. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 Black History: Historic Court Records Enslaved Issues: 1757 to 1866. Extracts from the book of marriage certificates of Fairfax Monthly Meeting, 1760 to 1892 FamilySearch Library Loudoun County Government Mailing Address: P. Virginia Department of Health-Division of Vital Records manages Loudoun County’s marriage and divorce records. 2. 1884 48 Marriage Register Vol. 00 each. Aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws Loudoun County Marriage Registers Vol. James Mason Jeter, Account Book, 1837-1841 (Jeter Family Papers, Accession 27517) John Ogilvie, Daybook, 1824-1849 (Accession 29508, Miscellaneous Reel 483 or 600) Find vital records in Loudoun County, VA 🗂️. Final fee is displayed during checkout. Contact Us. org is an independent organization that gathers Marriage Records and other information from various Loudoun County government and non-government sources. idjkml llbv mfce ycqf knueie nkje ssof uzobatb ohirpv bjzts jroyvn uvbtjw gilejze cacu qztbz